The Elder Scrolls: Legends – Heroes of Skyrim (Android, iOS, PC) - June 2017Ī new trailer arrives, sending us soaring through the stars to rest on a fallen helmet in the snow. At this point we’re expecting a Skyrim box to turn up in Super Smash Bros. Developer Bethesda clearly had big plans for the Skyrim gaming universe at this point, while the rest of us were waiting for even a whiff of a followup. Attempting to replicate the opening to the main game, Skyrim Pinball challenged you to hit certain areas to equip weapons or armor, obtain gold, and slay monsters. Okay, so Skyrim Pinball was technically just one board within Bethesda Pinball (or Zen Pinball/Pinball FX on certain platforms), but it was a bizarrely involved affair. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Pinball (Android, iOS, PC, Switch, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One) - December 2016
Mods had long advanced PC Skyrim’s visuals beyond its console brethren, and a new version simply meant redownloading a host of updates to ensure everything was running smoothly.
While the visual boosts were more than welcome for PS4 and Xbox One owners who’d yet to find themselves awakening to a chilly death sentence in Helgen, the PC release was deemed rather pointless. The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim – Special Edition (PC, PS4, Xbox One) - October 2016 At this point, you might reasonably have assumed that Skyrim had run its course, ready to be replaced by a new title on the next console generation. The impressively named Legendary Edition arrived two years later and packed in the three core expansions: Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Legendary Edition - June 2013 Fortunately, a new console generation was only a few years away – merely a blip in Skyrim’s planned millenia lifecycle.
While PC was living it large, the PS3 version ran notoriously poorly. The original Skyrim released two console generations ago, offering us a chilly world of dragons to slay, people to Fus-Ro-Dah off mountains, and burdens sworn to be carried. Oh Ralof, if only you knew the history those words would spawn. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PC, PS3, Xbox 360) - November 2011 So as we prepare to board the axeman’s cart one more time in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Anniversary Edition, let’s take quick look back at every version of Skyrim released since those snow-capped peaks first graced our screens in 2011. Skyrim, you can be sure, will outlast us all. At that point we can only assume the game will make the jump to alternate dimensions. Not so for this frosty open world, which seems content to continue releasing itself in perpetuity, presumably until the heat death of the universe removes any potential new platforms. A decade of life for most video games marks time to set expectations for a remake or even a nostalgia-driven DLC pack.
Age hits us all differently, but Skyrim is getting an outrageously good deal.